Impact / Case Study



UWS Tien School

Meet Bopha. Bopha grew up in a small, rural village in north-east Cambodia. Her community was extremely isolated, with no government primary schools nearby. Most of the adults and children in the village were illiterate, and only spoke their own local dialect.

The beginning of Bopha’s journey

In 2010, UWS learnt about the need for a school in Bopha’s village. UWS Tien School opened that same year, our fifth ever school. This meant that over 200 students from the village and nearby areas could start attending school and learn to read and write in the national language. Bopha loved learning and always dreamt of one day becoming a teacher.

Determined to teach

After passing all of her exams, Bopha spent three years studying at secondary school, staying in one of our UWS dormitories. She then went on to complete her teacher training for three months. Bopha recently returned to UWS Tien School as a teaching assistant. Attending a UWS school has meant that Bopha’s dreams have now become a reality. Not only is she teaching the next generation of children from her village to read, write and count, she is also inspiring them to pursue their dreams.

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