Sustainable Communities


means everything we do
builds capacity,
not dependency.

We make the community the primary stakeholder in their children’s education. This empowers the local populations to protect the future of their schools and own the fight against education poverty.

People are the answer to the education crisis

Our radical solutions to the education crisis come directly from listening to and empowering communities. In UWS schools, communities take ownership of their schools by participating in school governance, contributing to school development, and taking an active role in decision-making. This ensures education policies and practices are aligned with the needs and values of local people, leading to better outcomes and a sustainable future for our schools.

By giving our backing to the people that live in communities, we support, respect, and amplify their role in fighting the education crisis.

Making mother’s voices heard

We run Mothers’ Groups to provide spaces for women to discuss the issues their children face. The right to education, supporting learning at home, reproductive health, menstrual hygiene management, child marriage, and early pregnancy—making mothers’ voices heard on these issues is a crucial part of making the impact of our education efforts sustainable and creating gender-inclusive schools.

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