Impact / Blog

Josephine, Mother

January 31, 2024

My name is Josephine (name changed), I am a farmer and also a seller, that is to say, I come here to Beangolo to buy fish that I sell in Soahazo and on my way back I also bring back cassava, rice, dry weight. I am Pelake’s mother.

I have 4 children, the eldest is already a teacher, two of my daughters study here and the last one does not go to school because she is still only 2 and a half years old.

In the school where my daughters went to before, the teachers are not assiduous and motivated. So, when I learned about this school in Beangolo, I said to myself that I would send my children to this school because I want them to learn so that they can become teachers or so that they can find work more easily in the future. And also because this school is accompanied by UWS and the teachers will receive grants, I think they will be diligent.

Since my daughter was in this school, I noticed that she became intelligent, she always came home smiling, without complaining about being hungry when sometimes she came home at 12:30 because everything that she experiences at this school makes her happy: studying in a beautiful furnished school, having school kits, blouses, sandals and I hope that there will be also a canteen.